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Make the MOST of Addo - Nature rewards the prepared mind

Barbara Ann Kinghorn

The hidden treasures at Addo Elephant National Park can pass you by if you haven’t prepared to receive them. But if you plan your self-drive tour beforehand and take time to discover what awaits you, you'll be richly rewarded!

Less than an hour’s drive from Coral Tree Guest House, Addo is so much more than 600 elephants in an African Big Sky setting, and we want to help you have the full experience and make it a truly memorable one...

So before you head out there, it’s our great pleasure to offer our guests some eye-opening books and maps as 'Addo homework'!


Get the lay of the land with various Visitors Maps of the Add Elephant National park

1. Visitors Maps

Get a strong sense of the lay of the land with various visitors maps of the Addo Elephant National park, that detail everything from entrances, to primary areas, routes and associated distances....


2. Official Guides

The park itself has also issued a range of reading material that offers a helpful guide for new visitors.


3. Local Literature

You know you're getting the inside info with these books, because they're written by locals who are truly passionate about our Eastern Cape fauna, flora and geology and have dedicated themselves to these detailed studies.


4. SANParks Publications

Here are some snippets of sage advice, from SA National Parks themselves:

For close encounters of the jumbo kind...

... drive slowly and carefully...

... DON’T touch the fence(!)...

...and beware of the WILD animals!


CONTACT Addo Elephant National Park:

Tel: +27(0) 42 233 8600

Fax: +27(0) 42 233 8643




Daily Conservation Fees:

Payable from 1 November 2021 to 31 October 2022

Entrance Fees:

South African Citizens and Residents

Adults, with ID's

R90 per day


R45 per day

SADC Nationals

Adults, with Passports

R180 per day


R90 per day

International Visitors

Adults, with Passports

R360 per day


R180 per day

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